Zen Blog - Zen Surfboards
Zen Surfboards
Zen Surfboards
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Zen Blog

Zen Surfboards blends classic designs with modern refinements to create truly functional performance oriented surf craft. Boards are handcrafted with attention to detail throughout the shaping process to insure the highest level of quality from board to board. At Zen Surfboards our goal is to create and build boards to enhance , and push your surfing to the next level. We offer a variety of shapes, from high performance shortboards, classic fish outlines, simmons inspired alternative shapes, mid-length hull influenced single fins, to classic gliders and nose riders. Whatever your looking for, Zen Surfboards will build and customize any shape to fit your surfing needs with the highest level of craftsmanship to insure the best build quality process from design to finished board.

Please check out our blog posts that talks about Zen Surfboards and relevant issues in the surf world.

Zen Surfboards Surf Video

Cardiff Zen from Andrew Wilson on Vimeo.   'Twas a crispy Cardiff morning in summer, with the Krusty krew sliding around at Jorge's. Huge thanks to Cal Schafer for the fun foam under our feet. Zen Surfboards 5'6" Quad Fish, 7'4" Single fin Feat. David Wilson, Caelan Burfurd,...

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