Zen Summer Board Demo 2018 - Zen Surfboards
Zen Surfboards
Zen Surfboards
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Zen Summer Board Demo 2018

Where: Beacon’s Leaucadia   |   When: July 15th, Sunday / 7:00am – 12:00pm

We will have boards available from 5’4″ to 12′ for you throw under your feet to test out and we will be on hand to discuss design and performance details of all models. Come out and ride as many boards as you want and maybe get on a shape that you have never tried before but have been excited to give it a go . Custom orders placed at the demo will have special pricing too.

Some of the boards that will available:
5’4″ Zen mini-simmons
5’6″ Double wide
5’7″ Classic keel
5’8″ Escape
6′ Zen twin
6′ Jasmine
6’2″ Frankenzen (fish)
6’3 lo-fi Bonzer
6’6″ Wierdo
7’4″ Matador
12’0″ Sol -Glider